Friday, June 23, 2006

At Yael and Jason's wedding ceremony Monty thought the wooden cups were toys!

This is a crazy ass glaciar/ice field in Kluane National Park (Yukon Territory) that I took from the window of an airplane. Click on it to make it bigger, okay?

May I present THE CLEVELAND STEAMERS! My fabulous team this year at the 2nd annual Victoria Dodgeball Tournament. Although we were not the most competitive team in our division, we advanced to the Finals because of our phenomenal team spirit! Go Cleveland Steamers!

And of course, a goat kid massaging my back at the local petting zoo...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Some Photos from my Trip up North!

Horses left to their own devices, wandering in the Yukon...

Silver City - a ghost mining town built in 1904

I made it to Edmonton finally!!!!

I took this photo from my cabin and it was almost 1 am... This is not manipulated, it is just the gorgeous and crazy daylight in the North near the solstice.

This little Grizzly dude wandered near our meetings - I hope he is okay!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

So I have been hired (!?) to photograph the Dance Victoria summer solstice event that is the subject of that little poster above! Some person found that picture of mine online and asked to use it for the poster, so I am being credited on the poster and will receive a print of it. Pretty funny - I have never met any of the people involved and they want to pay me quite a bit! I will be there next Wednesday to photograph the stilt walkers and twirlers though!

The Yukon was so beautiful - I really loved the extra hours of sunlight! It was awesome to explore what one of Canada's territories is like! I will post some pictures once they are on my hard drive. I went up to a magical wedding in the Cariboo, too, and will have to get some photos from that up here as well!

My Grampa is coming to visit me this weekend from Toronto! The first time I came to this island was with him twenty years ago this summer! Family West Coast Reunion!