Looking at pictures from the past makes me sad. I was just looking at some photos from this time two years ago and it is almost like my anguish then is still somehow present in me - not as explicit, but somewhere inside. I need to overcome some emotional baggage that has had me confused, scared and fucked-up for some time now. I wish I didn't have to be so vague on this blog though. Sorry. I just need to let go, forgive myself for what I perceive as "mistakes" and just move on.
I am still learning so much about myself and what I need and what motivates me. I wish everyone was raised in a safe environment with unconditional love.

I underwent the most drastic change in appearance today than ever before in my entire life.
I did it.
My hair is a warm brown and it is short.
Bangs may come soon.
The Banger Sisters was an awful movie that I watched in hotel room in Kelowna one night in between bus rides. What was Susan Sarandon thinking?
The indigenous candidate, Evo Morales, won the Bolivian presidency. Well, pretty much. Got 42% to 45% of the vote - far ahead of the incumbant. As well as a president, Bolivia elected a new Congress and regional governors today. That is a lot of SHIFT WORK!
Under their election rules, if no candidate polls 50% of the vote, the election does not go to a run-off but is decided by Congress instead. This new dude has promised to legalize coca production but not for the manufacture of cocaine, but to use it for more basic purposes (food, I believe). The USA has already issued a statement saying that they expect the new government to continue to honour previous commitments in terms of fighting the production of illegal drugs.
Coca prohibition or democrazia, Mr. Bush?
I think he likes the coca, as far as I have heard. In other news, I saw his daughter Jenna's twat on the internet this week.
I am still learning so much about myself and what I need and what motivates me. I wish everyone was raised in a safe environment with unconditional love.

I underwent the most drastic change in appearance today than ever before in my entire life.
I did it.
My hair is a warm brown and it is short.
Bangs may come soon.
The Banger Sisters was an awful movie that I watched in hotel room in Kelowna one night in between bus rides. What was Susan Sarandon thinking?
The indigenous candidate, Evo Morales, won the Bolivian presidency. Well, pretty much. Got 42% to 45% of the vote - far ahead of the incumbant. As well as a president, Bolivia elected a new Congress and regional governors today. That is a lot of SHIFT WORK!
Under their election rules, if no candidate polls 50% of the vote, the election does not go to a run-off but is decided by Congress instead. This new dude has promised to legalize coca production but not for the manufacture of cocaine, but to use it for more basic purposes (food, I believe). The USA has already issued a statement saying that they expect the new government to continue to honour previous commitments in terms of fighting the production of illegal drugs.
Coca prohibition or democrazia, Mr. Bush?
I think he likes the coca, as far as I have heard. In other news, I saw his daughter Jenna's twat on the internet this week.
twat of doom!!
Old pictures make me sad, too...in a bittersweet way. I also cry when I go through my baby box. And I weep uncontrollably when I listen to my music boxes.
Me too! Pics of the new hair are a must!
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