Last night, it was a human death that I read about in my bed. Finally, a break!
My christmas lights from last year are not working. Sort of like my brain. And my psyche still aches. I am trying to solve that dilemma as best as I can.
I have been put in touch with a lady who could perhaps be my mentor. She has a law degree and went to the London School of Economics (as I had the option to do) and is now a professor here at the local Univeristy where her interests are in International Law. Sounds like my kind of chick! AND a former deadhead! Not that I ever was a dead or a phish head, but I surely am comfortable within that ultra-stimulating yet laid-back culture.
To keep on this positive note, I am super super happy to be able to say that an essay that I wrote last year about the regulation of "non-timber forest products" (ie. mushrooms, salal, botanicals for essential oils and tinctures) has been chosen to be included in the next edition of a book about sustainable forestry! Wahoo! Here is the book as it was published. I think the next book will be called "The Wealth of Forests II" or something. I might get a whole chapter! I don't really anticipate any money to come from this, but the idea of being published is just so damn exciting to me. I need to alter my resume. It will also increase my chances of getting research grants and scholarships and bursaries.
I just think it is hilarious that this girl from the industrial suburbs of Toronto (and who stopped studying science a decade ago) will now be published as some authoritative analyst in the realm of forest policy!
Bring it on! Take me to Madagascar!
In other realms of my life, I have been told that I tend to "speak in conclusions" as I do a lot of the reasoning to get to my thoughts internally, whereas most humans sort out their thoughts externally. I guess this is what leads others to believe that I sometimes want to just conform them to my line of thinking rather than sincerely soliciting their opinions.
I think I am a zoologist trapped in the body of a law graduate.
This kicks ass!
I am considering cutting my long blonde hair to my shoulders and dying it brown!
My best friend is turning 30 next year. I am already envisioning the cake I will prepare for her.
A giant peace lily is in bloom near me. Good thing Beth is not around to snap it off!
I had to cut a teather off a goat once to save it from suffocating. It's eyes rooled back in it's head, it foamed at the mouth... it died a few days later of tick bites. Australia kicked ass!!
speaking of cutting hair, i've been thinking of cutting mine as well. it's nowhere near as long as yours but it's still a big step. i'm sure whatever you do will look marvelous because you have a beautiful face. i really really want to go short but i'm a big wuss...
congrats on the book - that's awesome!!
and also, congrats on the mentor. i've been wanting a mentor for years, ha. a former deadhead, crazy. i've never been a deadhead or a phishead, but i have alot of friends who have been, hmmmm....
glad to hear you are doing well.
Meghan! Remember you and Marguerite and I are going to get our hair chopped together! We'll have a built-in hair doctah (aka Mom). Then again we could always call Nicole up!! hahahahahaha
You rock, Meghan. Congrats!
Woohoo for brown hair! Woohoo for getting published. Congrats!!! :)
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