Christmas Celebrations at the CLC

We played softball and my team won! It was neat to play with people who had no idea how to play... I thought it was more of a universal sport. Some people would run around the bases and think they were scoring points but they had not even gone to bat!!! Others would strike out and then run to first base.

Here we are getting down at the Cuban restaurant in Kalk Bay. People were drinking crazy drinks (like white chocolate pina coladas) but I stuck to Savanas and wine. Mike the waiter is to the left. No one seemed to care that Fidel Castro is dying of terminal cancer. There is a statue of Lenin in the bush there, near jesus. I though about how pure communism rejected religion, right? Anyhow, my colleagues ordered this "sheesha" (that is how it is referred to in Canada ) with some molasses tobacco in it. My boss bought some vanilla cigars.

Below is me and Annette, the only full time female researcher in the local government project. There is actually a gorgeous beach behind us.
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