I am going to be a part of a browfolio. This means a free brow wax! Wahoo! I am waiting to hear back from my job prospects. That analst test was hilarious - I stayed up working all night as though I was cramming for an exam or something! I have not been jogging like I have been wanting to but it is because I have not nourished my body well this past week. This pic here is of Shane (my sis' boyfriend) and I at the Grad Lounge at UNB. I asked for some lime with my cider and this is what I got! Those maritimers sure are silly! I feel like I have nothing much interesting to say. I am excited because some really cool girlfriends are coming to visit me soon. Tomorrow I will buy crazy waterchestnuts to make mobiles with.
Oh Meghan, you crack me up. Man oh man oh man. Please keep posting... I'm hungry for more Megha-thoughts.
what is a browfolio?
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