Monkey Statue Needed

little yappy teddy bear doggie

heh how sexy

the cow kissed me too but everyone else had left so no one was there o photograph it

my new lovah!!
I feel boring. My life is boring. Give me some topics/ideas and I will write. If not, it'll all just be pictures for awhile until something cool occurs in my reality. Maybe I should open my address book and start phoning old friends? That'll give me something to do.
If anyone wants to get me to a deveolping nation, I'd be more than happy to volunteer my healthy body and intelligent mind. Until then, boredom.
Fucking spacetime.
As usual you are too hard on yourself... such a beatiful creature you are!! It blows my mind that you of all people are so critical of yourself. It's time for an epiphany Meghan - time for you to take off and soar, it's overdue girl. Look out word - you ain't seen nothing yet. In recent years Meghan has been repressed and uber critical of herself. I'm warning you all now... brace yourself, because this girl can shine!
I love your animal pictures. It's almost as if I was there...
spelling error: I meant to say "look out WORLD"
but since I typed in "word" I might as well add
thanks merman!! you are super!
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