pablo shore meets the hebrew hammer

This is a picture of my gramma Jean Mildred McDermott when she was young and gorgeous. I wish I oculd do my hair like that! Beneath is a photo of Erin, myself, Ariel and Amanda after the funeral. We are the four grand-daughters of Jean and this is us trying on her dresses. I got to keep the one I am wearing in this photo! Wahoo! She wore it to her son Michael's wedding in Kelowna in 1977.

Okay I cannot ressist this juxtaposition! The first pic I took as I left Victoria on Friday evening - so this is the geography of the west coast - the place I want to continue living!! The place I cannot seem to find gainful employment in! Okay now scroll down and check out the next pic - I took this Saturday morning as the plane was approaching Pearson International in Toronto (MALTON!!). Ugly bullshit industrial CRAP!! But...lots of jobs and career opportunities! I wonder why?!?! heh heh.... no jobs in paradise....but jobs in the economic powerhouse of Canada....sigh..........

nice SMOG at 6:30 am eh?
c'mon you great lakes politicians - get your shit together and clean up the region!!! Lake Ontario has been too polluted to swim in for a quarter century or more - what the fuck is that?!
Wearing the recently deceased's's clothing...this surely is forbidden in some cultures!
I would have at least gone for the chrome animal print blouse.
That seems worth it.
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